Practice areas


Οι ειδικοί του γραφείου μας έφεραν εις πέρας πτωχευτικές διαδικασίες ενώπιον των αρμοδίων Δικαστηρίων, εκπροσωπώντας είτε πιστωτές είτε χρεώστες. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, αναλαμβάνουμε το χειρισμό υποθέσεων που προκύπτουν, εκ του Νόμου της Αφερεγγυότητας, είτε για φυσικά είτε για νομικά πρόσωπα (εκκαθαρίσεις εταιρειών).


Η νομική μας ομάδα εκπροσωπεί Ενάγοντες και Εναγόμενους, ενώπιον των αρμοδίων Επαρχιακών Δικαστηρίων της Δημοκρατίας, σε σχέση με την διάπραξη αστικών αδικημάτων (οχληρία, κάθε είδους αμέλεια, απάτη, παράνομη επέμβαση, δυσφήμιση κ.ο.κ).


Πολυετής είναι η εμπειρία των νομικών συμβούλων της εταιρείας μας, σε θέματα που άπτονται σχέσεων ιδιοκτητών και ενοικιαστών. Πιο συγκεκριμένα αναλαμβάνουμε αιτήσεις εξώσεων για ανάκτηση κατοχής ακινήτου, αιτήσεις για καθορισμό δίκαιου και εύλογου ενοικίου, ενώπιον του Δικαστηρίου Ελέγχου Ενοικιάσεων, καθώς επίσης είμαστε εξοικειωμένοι στην έκδοση Παρεμπιπτόντων Διαταγμάτων, κάθε μορφής.

Immigration Law

Our immigration team deals with all matters relating to immigration law, citizenship applications (both through the economic citizenship scheme and the conventional route), applications for immigration permits, permanent residence permits, employment permits and visas. The department advises both individual and corporate clients.

Banking Law

The firm’s expertise and successful handling of cases involving all matters of banking law and debt recovery has kept us on the list of lawyers who have been representing the largest banking institutions in Cyprus for more than four decades.

Real Estate

Real Estate has been at the core of our legal profession, since we initially started. Our Team provides specialist advice on real estate and construction matters but remain focused on our clients' objectives.

Contract Law

Work relating to contracts is at the heart of our practice. We advise our clients on a broad range of commercial and other agreements.

Commercial & Corporate Law

Our team of expert corporate lawyers in Cyprus has a combined international expertise that allows us to cater for the legal needs of local, European Union, and international businesses alike.

Litigation & Dispute Resolution

Our highly qualified and experienced advocates focus on giving clear, effective support and guidance to our clients, no matter how much complex and difficult the dispute may appear.

Last Wills & Probate

Our team of estate planning professionals work closely with the clients to create an appropriate estate plan which reflects their wishes and protects their interests.

Trademarks & IP Rights

We handle all aspects of trademark law including clearing, registering, maintaining and licensing trademarks and associated rights, such as design rights. We also have extensive experience in the enforcement of trademark rights against infringement, counterfeiting and related litigation.

Trusts and Estates

Trusts remain an important part of asset protection planning, especially for those wishing to pass wealth to future generations who are not financially or emotionally astute or to protect against divorce and bankruptcy. Our Trust lawyers can set up a trust to provide flexible and effective solutions.

Legal Research

Legal research is the backbone for building a strong case. We have built our own knowledge management databases and have huge volumes of work products available to the members of our firm.


Χειριζόμαστε υποθέσεις που εμπίπτουν στο δικανικό κλάδο του Φορολογικού Δικαίου και μέσω των συνεργατών μας, εγκεκριμένων λογιστών και ελεγκτών, παρέχουμε όλων των ειδών υπηρεσιών και/ή γνωματεύσεων, περί φορολογικών ζητημάτων.

Tax Planning & Advising

Cyprus has an advanced tax planning culture as it combines the low or, in certain cases, zero tax rates and the extensive double taxation treaties network.

Accounting & Audit

Our office collaborates with a full range accounting and audit corporation, with qualified and experienced accountants and auditors.

Criminal Law

Our team of Lawyers provide the highest quality specialist advice and advocacy on the full range of criminal law.

Employment Law

Our team of experts is in a position to effectively deal with all employment matters.

Family Law

Cyprus Family Law is mainly modeled on the Greek family law with great influences from the Common Law.

Personal Injury Law

We represent individuals, major insurance companies as well as private corporations active in the insurance sector.

Environmental Law

Our firm has represented over the years a number of associations and corporations, as well as individual clients, which had to consider court measures, based on environmental issues. Our experts have a tremendous experience over this aspect of law.

Intellectual Property Law

Our Firm provides advice and assists clients for the acquisition, registration and protection of their intellectual property rights.

Administrative Law

Advising public organisations, administrative authorities, municipalities, individuals and private entities on public and administrative legislation, as well as on the existence, validity, suspension or annulment of administrative decisions.