

A Cyprus corporation should give priority in employment recruitment to Cypriots and EU nationals before resorting to employ a Third Country National (TCN). However, Cyprus has provided an exception in the law for companies of foreign interests, to employ TCN subject to certain requirements. This form is especially useful for a TCN who may incorporate his own company, or in conjunction with others with a minimum investment of EUR 171.000 and be employed by this company in accordance with the employee classifications mentioned below. READ MORE

The FINANCIAL OMBUDSMAN of the Republic of Cyprus and complaints against financial businesses

Any individual can submit a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman against financial businesses, regarding a protest or objection or dispute of value up to the amount of one hundred and seventy thousand euro (€ 170.000), provided that the conditions are cumulatively met, under provision of articles 9 and 10 of the Law 84(Ι)/2010, as amended or replaced. These conditions are as follows: (a) The complaint is submitted by a consumer. READ MORE

Acquisition of immovable properties, in the occupied part of the Republic of Cyprus: Risks and possible Criminal Offenses

The Government of the Republic of Cyprus is the only recognized Government on the island – a member of the EU since 1.5.2004, as well as member of the UN and other International organizations. As a result of the Turkish military presence and occupation, the Government of the Republic of Cyprus is not in a position to exercise effective control over the occupied areas of the Republic. The so-called “TRNC” has been condemned and declared as both illegal and invalid by the whole of the International Community through Security Council Resolutions 541/83 and 550/84. READ MORE

Applying for a marketing authorization of Pharmaceutical products, within the Republic of Cyprus

The Evaluation of Pharmaceutical Products Section is staffed with trained Pharmacists who assess applications for marketing authorizations for medicinal products for human use before as well as after their circulation to the Cyprus market. The control of medicinal products for human use that are imported or manufactured in Cyprus performed according to national law, Medicines for Human Use (Control of Quality, Supply and Prices) law No. 70(Ι), 2001 as amended and other regulations enacted on the basis on the national law. READ MORE

Environmental matters and the relevant regulatory framework, within the Republic of Cyprus

Principally, most environmental matters are subject to the procedure for administrative recourses. Nevertheless, some environmental issues are decided under criminal or civil jurisdiction, e.g. the Law for Crimes against the environment Number 22(I)/2012 and Law on Environmental Liability, Number 189(1)/2007. In criminal procedures, everyone is entitled to report criminal acts (e.g. misuse of power by certain authorities) to the prosecutor. They can participate and bear witness at the proceedings. Remedies against court decisions are restricted to the prosecutor and the accused. READ MORE

Documents’ Authentication in Cyprus

Notary services for the purpose of authenticating documents and affirmation of certain legal deeds are not provided in Cyprus. In Cyprus instead, we are able to arrange for the following: (a) The certification of signature/s through a certifying officer, who certifies that the person named on the document, has signed in his presence. Certifying officers in Cyprus are appointed and regulated by the Ministry of Interior and if a document is required to be legalized by apostille as well, then his signature should be beforehand certified by the District officer as well and READ MORE

CYPRUS INVESTMENT PROGRAM on the basis of subsection

CYPRUS INVESTMENT PROGRAM on the basis of subsection (2) of section 111A of the Civil Registry Laws of 2002-2019 One of the main objectives of the economic policy of the Republic of Cyprus is to further encourage foreign direct investment and to attract high net worth individuals to settle and conduct their business in Cyprus. Key factors that make Cyprus an attractive destination for investment, is the highly specialized human capital, the reliable legislative and regulatory framework, the stable tax system and the safety and stability conditions prevailing in the country. READ MORE

Red Notices and Law Enforcement worldwide

Criminals can flee to another country and thus try to evade justice. A Red Notice alerts police worldwide, about internationally wanted fugitives. A Red Notice is a request to law enforcement worldwide to locate and provisionally arrest a person pending extradition, surrender, or similar legal action. It contains two main types of information: Information to identify the wanted person, such as their name, date of birth, nationality, hair and eye color, photographs and fingerprints if available. READ MORE

Applying for Asylum

When to apply? If you have valid reasons for seeking asylum, you must submit your application together with all your family members as soon as you arrive in Cyprus. If you entered Cyprus without authorization or documents, you must present yourself to the authorities without undue delay. If you are already in Cyprus and are afraid to return to your country because of events that occurred since your departure, you can also apply for asylum. READ MORE

“Cohabitation Agreement” and the relevant provisions of the Cyprus Civil Union Law

The Civil Union Law of 2015 (184(I)/2015) entered into force with the publication of the law in the Official Government Gazette on 09/12/2015. The law introduces the institution of the Civil Union in the legal system of Cyprus. The main responsibility in regard to contracting of Civil Unions is attributed to the Registrar who is the District Officer. Contracting a Civil Union and its Legal Effect With the exclusion of the Adoption Law, contracting a Civil Union has respective effects and consequences as if a marriage was solemnized under the provisions of the Marriage Law and any reference included in any legislation of the Republic of Cyprus to “spouse” shall be interpreted as a reference to the Civil Partners of a Civil Union. READ MORE