
Trademark protection in Cyprus and the EU

If you are interested in making sure nobody else can use the name of your business and/or product, you need to proceed with a trademark registration of your business name and/or your product and/or service. You may protect your trademark in any country and/or countries; you would like to conduct business activities. Please find below, the necessary steps you need to follow, when it comes to protecting your trademark in Cyprus or in the EU: READ MORE

Are you considering signing a contract?

For a contract to be legally binding it must contain the following elements: Intent For a contract to be legally binding both parties must have the intention to enter into a legal relation. In most cases the presence of a consideration is evidence enough, but not in all. If it is proven that intent is not present in either of the parties, the contract becomes invalid and will not be valid in a court of law. READ MORE

Loans’ Restructuring

With expertise and long-term experience in banking law, our legal team, in cooperation with our certified accountants and/or accredited Mediators, undertake your representation in any dispute with any credit institution. Based on the legislation and jurisprudence on illegal and/or unfair terms of loan agreements, we secure the best possible and realistic solutions for our clients. Defending Borrowers’ Rights: With significant experience in dealing with loan agreements’ cases, we provide legal advice to borrowers who are in the process of restructuring their loans. READ MORE

Parental Responsibility, under the Cyprus Law

Responsibility for a child (parental responsibility) is the duty and the right of the parents who exercise this responsibility jointly. It covers giving the child a name, caring for the child, managing its property and representing it in any matter or legal transaction that concerns it or its property. As a general rule, it is the child’s parents who have parental responsibility over it, provided they are husband and wife and live together; if either of them dies, or declared missing presumed dead, or in the absence of one of the parents, parental responsibility is exercised solely by the other parent. READ MORE

Residence and Employment Permit, within the Republic of Cyprus

Residence and employment permits are granted mainly on a temporary basis and for a specified position. In case of self-employed or legal persons, the Civil Registry and Migration Department is the competent authority for the first issue and subsequent renewal of residence permits granted to all non-Cypriots employed by legal persons in Cyprus. The Civil Registry and Migration Department acts in consultation with other competent authorities such as the Registrar of Companies, the Labor Department and the Cyprus Police. READ MORE

Renewable Energy Sources and environmental incentives, in the Republic of Cyprus

The European Union (EU) has already tuned its energy policy into achieving maximum carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions reduction from power generation plants. In this context, it has already set out a strategic objective of achieving at least a 20% reduction of greenhouse gases by 2020 compared to 1990 levels. This strategic objective represents the core of the new European energy policy. Recognizing the positive effects of renewable energy sources (RES) technologies towards achieving this goal, the EU has taken a range of specific actions in the direction of enhancing the integration of RES in the existing European power generation system as a major step towards the reduction of global warming and climate change phenomena. READ MORE

Procedure and Requirements for lodging a Visa Application

Consular officers at the Diplomatic Mission (or Consulate) of the Republic of Cyprus where the visa application is lodged, assess the applicant’s purpose of travel and willingness to return to his/her home country. Visa applicants should submit their visa application and supporting documents to the accredited, competent or most easily accessible Diplomatic Mission (or Consulate) of the Republic of Cyprus in their country of habitual residence (or elsewhere), or in the country that they intent to use as transit during their journey to Cyprus. READ MORE

Property Transfer Fees & Stamp Duties, in Cyprus

Transfer of the ownership right from the developer to the buyer is accompanied by property registration tax paid by the buyer to the state, a so-called Transfer Fee. Transfer Fee is calculated based on the contract value of the real estate using the following scheme: Transfer Fee calculation: Real Estate Price Commission Fee Under EUR 85.430 3% From EUR 85.431 to EUR 170.860 5% Over EUR 170.861 8% Transfer fee is calculated in in the same way as in transactions on the secondary property market, i. READ MORE

Ship Registration

All matters relating to the registration of ships and the related transactions in the Register of Cyprus Ships or in the Special Book of Parallel Registration are governed by the Merchant Shipping (Registration of Ships, Sales and Mortgages) Law of 1963, as amended. In addition, in connection with the registration of ships, the provisions of the Government Policy on the Registration of Ships under the Cyprus flag, which is established pursuant to the provisions of the aforesaid laws, also apply. READ MORE

Tips for Avoiding Summer Accidents

Many summer motor vehicle crashes are avoidable if drivers observe safe driving practices. If you plan to go on a road trip this summer, follow these tips to decrease your likelihood of getting into a crash: Plan your route carefully – Unfamiliarity with local roads and traffic conditions can increase the likelihood that you make a mistake that results in a crash. Modern technology can give you detailed information about your road trip, including directions about turns, exit ramps, toll booths, and speed zones. READ MORE