There is a wide range of important reasons that make Cyprus an ideal place for investment and the conduct of business activity:
– It is the only member of the European Union in our part of the world and as already said it is strategically situated at the crossroads of three continents, serving as Europe’s southeastern outpost.
– It has already developed into a major business and services center in the region, while its small size provides it with the necessary flexibility.
– It possesses a highly conducive tax system with a corporate tax rate of only 12.5%, the lowest in the European Union and one of the lowest internationally.
– It has signed double tax treaties with over 35 countries.
– It has a liberal foreign direct investment regime allowing up to 100% foreign participation in most sectors of the economy from both E.U. and non-E.U. nationals.
– It has bilateral investment agreements with 17 countries.
– It is a democracy with a fully-fledged market economy.
– It has simplified administrative procedures for acquiring the necessary permits.
– Set-up and operating costs are low.
– It possesses a highly qualified, well-educated and bilingual labor force (Cyprus ranks among the first countries in the world in terms of university degree holders in relation to the population), while Cypriots are renowned for their entrepreneurial spirit.
– There is freedom of movement of foreign currency.
– There is a highly-developed infrastructure, with excellent telecommunications, ports, airports and road networks.
– It possesses a good organizational structure.
– It offers Free Zones Bonded factories.
– It has modern and efficient legal, accounting, banking, financial and insurance services.
– It has a European standard of living.
– There is an abundance of foreign schools.
– It has a pleasant climate and agreeable topography.
– It possesses political stability and commitment to the rule of law.
– It secures protection of real and intellectual property.
– It has one of the lowest crime rates in Europe.
In short, Cyprus offers to entrepreneurs and investors a unique basket of advantages for the conduct of their business affairs worldwide.