Many summer motor vehicle crashes are avoidable if drivers observe safe driving practices. If you plan to go on a road trip this summer, follow these tips to decrease your likelihood of getting into a crash:
- Plan your route carefully – Unfamiliarity with local roads and traffic conditions can increase the likelihood that you make a mistake that results in a crash. Modern technology can give you detailed information about your road trip, including directions about turns, exit ramps, toll booths, and speed zones. When preparing for your summer road trip, get a detailed map of your route and printed directions. Study them carefully.
- Wear your seat belt – This is good advice for all seasons, but we’ll repeat it here. Seat belts save lives. More than half of people killed in motor vehicle crashes are unrestrained. If you’re not wearing a seat belt, you are 30 times more likely to be ejected from a vehicle in a crash than someone who is properly restrained. Buckle up on every trip you take, regardless of the distance, regardless of the season.
- Stay alert – If you’re going to be taking a long trip, make sure you stay alert when you drive. Take time to get out of the vehicle and stretch and also get something to eat and drink. If you begin to feel drowsy on the road, pull over or switch drivers.
- Avoid distracted driving – When driving, refrain from fiddling with your phone or accepting texts or emails. Keep your attention on the road!!!
- Observe speed limits – Speed is a major contributing factor to many motor vehicle accidents. When taking a road trip, resist the temptation to treat the interstate like a race track. Follow posted speed limits and be sure to notice changes in speed limits that occur when you get off major highways and enter urban areas or small towns.
- Watch out for children – During the summer many children go outdoors to play and, sometimes, their play may result in them stepping out onto the street. When traveling in urban areas or residential neighborhoods, watch for children who are nearby and slow down to avoid an accident.
- Watch out for motorcycles and bicycles – During the summer months, you’re likely to see more motorcycles and bicycles on the road. Avoid following them too closely or forcing them off the road. Be especially vigilant at night, as it may be tougher to see them.
- Avoid impaired driving – This should go without saying, but we’re saying it anyway. Don’t drink and drive! Alcohol is one of the leading causes of serious motor vehicle crashes. Even if you don’t get in a wreck, drinking and driving put you at risk of facing some very serious consequences.
If you do get into an auto accident during your summer road trip, be calm and take the steps necessary to preserve the safety of yourself and other occupants of your vehicle.