Family reunification refers to the entry and residence of the family members of a third-country national, residing lawfully in the Republic, in order to preserve family unity.
According to the Aliens and Immigration Legislation, third-country nationals residing lawfully in the Republic of Cyprus, have the right to family reunification with their family members, given that the sponsor:
- has stayed lawfully in the Republic for a period of at least two (2) years
- is holding a residence permit with a duration of at least one (1) year
- has reasonable prospects of obtaining the right of permanent residence.
Family members****:
- The sponsor’s spouse, given that the marriage was conducted at least one (1) year before the submission of the application and that the spouse is over 21 years old
- The minor children of the sponsor and of his/her spouse, including children adopted in accordance with a decision taken by the competent authority in Republic or a decision taken by the competent authority of another State or a decision which is automatically enforceable due to international obligations of the Republic
- The minor children, including adopted children, of the sponsor, where the sponsor has custody and the children are dependent on him/her
- The minor children, including adopted children, of the sponsor’s spouse, where the sponsor’s spouse has custody and the children are dependent on him/her.
All minor children above-mentioned, must be under the age of eighteen (18) and not married.
According to the Aliens and Immigration Law, a third-country national needs an entry permit to enter the Republic, for family reunification purposes.
An entry permit is issued after an application is submitted by the sponsor, at the Civil Registry and Migration Department in Nicosia.
Within seven (7) days of arrival, family members must refer to the Civil Registry and Migration Department to record their registration at the Aliens’ Register, according to the Aliens and Immigration Regulations.
In addition, family members must, necessarily, within the above-mentioned period, apply to the Department for a residence permit on family reunification grounds, according to the Aliens and Immigration Law.
Where the conditions laid down by the Law are met, each family member is granted a residence permit on family reunification grounds.
Family members are granted a first residence permit for the duration of one (1) year. The permit is renewable, and its validity cannot exceed the validity of the sponsor’s residence permit.
The family members may reside in the Republic without a particular time limit, provided that the conditions of the legislation are met and given that they are holders of a valid residence permit on family reunification grounds.